Tavo-Kosova, debat për ilaçet - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-23 2

Ish-ministri i Shendetesise Vangjel Tavo, përfaqësues i LSI dhe pasuesi i tij ne këtë post, demokrati Halim Kosova kane shkëmbyen serish akuza per tenderin e furnizimit me ilaçe te spitaleve. Ne emisionin "ZIP" ne Vizion Plus, Tavo tha se me tenderë negociues ministri Halimi ka shkelur ligjin, por k y i fundit shpjegoi se ka kursyer një shume jo te vogël parash. "Arritëm te shpëtonin 310 milionë leke dhe te bënim furnizimin me medikamente si rezultat i këtij tenderi." Ministri ne detyre Kosova tha me tej se te qenit pjese e sistemit i ka krijuar atij shume përparësi ne menaxhimin e këtij sektori kaq te rendesishem. Halim Kosova erdhi ne krye te dikasterit te shendetesise ne prill te këtij viti pas largimit nga koalicioni qeverisës i Lëvizjes Socialiste per Integrim.

Former Health Minister Vangjel Tavo, representatives of LSI and his successor in the post, Democrat Halim Kosovo have exchanged accusations for tender again supplying medicines to hospitals. We show "ZIP" in the Vision Plus, Tavo said that negotiating tenders Minister Halimi has violated the law, but Kyi has explained, not saving a small amount of money. "We managed to save 310 million lek and do drug supply as a result of this tender." Kosovo Minister in office further said that being part of the system that has created many advantages in the management of this sector so important. Halim Kosovo was in charge of the health department in April this year after leaving the ruling coalition of the Socialist Movement for Integration.

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