Kryeqyteti një ditë "pushim" - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-23 1

Kjo është pamja e Tiranës, tipike e nje dite pushimi, sidomos ne stinën e verës. Kete te diele, temperaturat kane qene optimale per t'iu drejtuar plazheve, çka ka bere qe kryeqyteti te nise zbrazjen tradicionale te muajit korrik, e cila theksohet edhe me shume gjate gushtit. Pishinat jane padiskutim zgjidhja me e shpejte dhe e shpeshte njëkohësisht, per kedo qe mbetet ne Tirane gjate fundjavës. Frekuentimi i tyre ka qene masiv, pasi siç pohojnë edhe menaxheret fundjavat e shkuara moti nuk ka favorizuar. Vete kryeqytetasit, kane arsye te ndryshme pse zgjedhin pishinat ne vend te plazhit; per dike jane fëmijët e vegjël, ndërsa per nje tjetër eshte me lire te qëndrosh ketu. Por, përveç rrugëve te zbrazura dhe pamjeve plot njerëz te pishinave, Tirana ka edhe nje tjeter imazh kete te diele. Kafenetë jane nje zgjidhje me më pak para per te kaluar oret e vapes se paradites, ne te kundert parqet, perfshi ate te liqenit, apo edhe ato pak te tjere qe ndodhen ne qender te kryeqytetit, te ofrojne "hijen falas" te pemës.

This is the picture of Tirana, typical of a holiday, especially in summer. This Sunday, temperatures were approaching optimal for beaches, which has made traditional capital to start emptying of July, which emphasized even more during August. Swimming pools are unquestionably solution with fast and frequent the same time, for anyone who remains in Tirana during the weekend. Their attendance was massive, as well as managers claim the last weekend the weather has not favored. Own capital city, have different reasons why we choose instead to beach pools, for someone younger children are, while for another it is cheaper to stay here. But, besides the empty streets and sights of swimming pools full of people, Tirana has also another image this Sunday. Cafes are a solution with less money to spend hours in the heat of the morning, otherwise parks, including that of the lake, or the few others who are in the center of the capital, to provide "free shadow" of the tree.