Henry Jardin monitoron zgjedhjet ne Fier - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-23 1

?Ashtu siç edhe kishte lajmeruar, numri dy i Ambasades Amerikane ne Shqiperi, Henry Jardin, ka mberritur ne Fier per te ndjekur nga afer proçesin e votimit. Zëvendës Ambasadori amerikan ka vezhguar proçesin ne disa qendra e me pas ne nje deklarate per mediat ka theksuar se deri me tani gjithcka eshte e qete dhe pa probleme. Deri me tani, proçesi i votimit ne Fier ka qene i qete, te gjitha qendrat jane hapur ne kohe ndersa nuk jane verejtur probleme apo mungesa te materialeve zgjedhore. Qarku i Fierit eshte edhe nje nga qarqet qe mund te sjelle surpriza.

Was announced as the number two of the U.S. Embassy in Albania, Henry Jardin, arrived in Fier to closely follow the voting process. Deputy U.S. Ambassador has observed the process in some centers later in a press release stated that so far everything is smooth and without problems. So far, the voting process has been smooth Fier, all centers have opened in time while they are not observed problems or lack of election materials. Fier region is also one of the circuits that can bring surprises.