Votimi ne Durres me probleme - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-23 0

Procesi i votimit ne Durresi ka nisur normalisht por megjithate nuk kane munguar edhe disa probleme te vogla. Keshtu ne lagjen numer 8 te Durresit, KZAZ 8, ne qendren e votimit 1944, procesi i numerimit ende nuk ka filluar. Shkak per kete vonese prej me shume se 2 oresh eshte bere mungesa e setit te proçesverbalit, duke nisur qe nga vulat dhe boja. Kamera e Vizionit Plus ka ndjekur nga afer vonesat ne kete qender. Problemet dhe vonesat jane konfirmuar edhe nga kryetari i kesaj qendre votimi dhe nenkryetari i KZAZ. Nderkaq probleme te vogla jane shenuar edhe ne Kruje ku ne nje qender votimi procesi i numerimit ka patur vonesa, po ashtu edhe ne lagjen numer 5 ne Durres. Ne te gjitha rastet problemet jane hasur ne mungesen e materialeve zgjedhore.

Durres voting process started normally, but nevertheless there have been some minor problems. So in Durres district number 8, CEAZ 8, 1944 in polling stations, counting process has not yet begun. Due to the delay of more than 2 hours shortage has become the set of the minutes, starting from stamps and ink. Camera Vision Plus has followed closely delays in this center. Problems and delays are confirmed by the President of this polling station and vice CEAZ. Meanwhile, small problems are also marked in Kruja where a polling station in the counting process has been delayed, as well as the number 5 in Durres district. In all cases, problems are encountered in the absence of electoral materials.