Votimet ne qytetin e Lezhes pa probleme - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-23 1

Mesa duket qyteti i Lezhes eshte nje nder te vetmit ku proçesi i votimit ka nisur rregullisht pa asnje problem. Te gjitha qendrat brenda ne qytet jane hapur ne oren 7 dhe pjesemarrja ka qene e konsiderueshme. Lista e PD per qarkun e Lezhes kryesohet nga Aldo Bumçi ndersa socialistet kane ne krye Mimi Kodhelin. Ne garen per kete qark, qe prodhon 7 deputete, do te duhet qe te merret parasysh edhe Levizja Socialiste per Integrim, e cila garon me Monika Kryemadhin, bashkeshorten e Ilir Metes.

Apparently the town of Lezha is the only one where the voting process has begun regularly without any problems. All centers within the city are open at 7 am and participation has been considerable. List of PD for Clarendon district is headed by Aldo on top, while the Socialists have Kodheli Mimi. In the race for this circuit, which produces seven MPs, will have to take account of the Socialist Movement for Integration, which competes with Kryemadhi Monica, wife of Ilir Meta.