Arti i rrugës, ekspozitë edhe në Shqipëri - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-23 1

Kushdo qe ka shetitur ne Tirane vitet e fundit, por jo vetem ne kryeqytet, i ka pare ne mure te ndryshme keto imazhe. Te njohura si grafiti, ato linden ne Ameriken e viteve '50, e tashme konsiderohen pjese e artit bashkohor. Vetem se ne Shqiperi, grafitet shihen ende si vandalizem, ndaj nje pjese e tyre jane prishur. Kjo eshte arsyeja, pse Ardian Isufi dhe Genc Permeti, i kane fotografuar nder vite, per t'i sjelle ne kete ekspozite nen titullin "Arti i Rruges". Nese jeni kureshatare te dini se si realizohen ato, kuratoret shpjegojne se grafitet nisin e mbarojne per tre ose kater ore pune ne grup. Ne Shqiperi, pjesa me e madhe e tyre jane krijuar nga artiste te huaj, por mes tyre ka edhe dy grupime shqiptare. Problemet sociale apo politike jane ne pjesen me te madhe mesazhet qe trasmeton ky art urban, ndaj 25 prej ketyre veprave mund t'i shihni ne galerine e Universitetit te Arteve.

Anyone who has peddled in Tirana recent years, but not only in the capital, has seen walls of different these images. Known as graffiti, those born in America of the '50s, and are now considered part of contemporary art. Only in Albania, are still seen as graffiti vandalism against some of them are broken. This is the reason why Ardian Isufi and Genc Permet, have photographed over the years, we have to bring the exhibition under the title "Street Art". If you kureshatare to know how they performed, curators explain that graffiti launch of finish for three or four hours a group. In Albania, most of them are created by foreign artists, but among them there are two Albanian groups. Social or political problems are in the majority transmits messages that urban art, to 25 of these works you can see in the gallery of the University of Arts.