PD: Do marrim 5 mandate nga Dibra - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-23 2

I bindur se nga qarku i Dibres do te fitoje 5 mandate nga 6 qe jane gjithsej, kryeministri Berisha premtoi nga Klosi se ne 4 vitet e ardhshme se prioriteti kryesor mbetet ndërtimi i infrastrukturës moderne dhe hapja e mijera vende te reja te punes. Pas Klosit shefi i mazhorances zhvilloi nje miting përmbyllës edhe ne Burrel, ku theksoi se qeveria do te vijoje te rrise pagat e pensionet ndersa kerkoi voten per Aleancën e djathte. Kur vetem 3 dite na ndajne nga zgjedhjet e përgjithshme, kryefjale e fjalimeve te shefit te qeverise, nuk ka qene me rivali politik Rama por prezantimi per disa minuta i programit te PD-së.

Convinced that the district of Dibra will win 5 out of 6 seats that are total, from Klosi Berisha promised that in the next four years that the main priority remains building modern infrastructure and the creation of thousands of new jobs. After Klos chief majority also held a final rally in Burrel, where he stressed that the government will continue to increase salaries and pensions while Alliance demanded the right to vote. When only three days away from a general election, the chief subject of government speech, not with political rival was Rama for a few minutes but the introduction of the DP program.