Shqiptaret edhe pse me poste drejtuese kane shërbyer ne funksion te interesave te Perandorisë Osmane. Ky është qëndrimi i historianeve shqiptare, një dite pas deklaratave te kolegut te tyre turk Mehmet Haxhisalohogllu, lidhur me pretendentim se ne tekstet e historisë nuk mund te përdoret termi "pushtim", persa kohe qe shqiptaret kane qene drejtues te administratës osmane. Beqir Meta, drejtor i Institutit te Historisë merr shembull Sami Frasherin, i cili edhe pse funksionar i perandorisë ishte njëkohësisht ideologu kryesor i Lëvizjes Kombëtarë Shqiptare. Por shqiptaret si ai, thotë Meta, kane qene ne minorance. Nga ana tjeter, Romeo Gurakuqi njohes i kesaj periudhe eshte i prere ne qëndrimin e tij dhe nuk ka asnjë mëdyshje qe periudha e osmaneve ka qene pushtim. Por, ne kohet e sotme shton Gurakuqi, termat e përdorur ne histori duhet te kenë nuanca diplomatike. Megjithate qofte "Pushtim" apo "Bashkëjetese", historianet bien dakord kur thonë se ky term nuk mund te ndryshoj vetëm pse atë e kërkon politika, pasi debati duhet te zhvillohet vetëm ne nivel shkencor.
Although Albanians have served with leading positions in view of the interests of the Ottoman Empire. This is the attitude of Albanian historians, a day after allegations of their Turkish counterpart Mehmet Haxhisalohogllu regarding pretendentim history textbooks that we can not use the term "occupation", as long as Albanians were head of the Ottoman administration. Bekir Meta, director of the Institute of History takes Sami example, that even though the empire functionary was also the main ideologue of the Albanian National Movement. But Albanians as he says Meta were minorance. On the other hand, cognitive Romeo Gurakuqi of this period is cut in his position and there is no doubt that the period of Ottoman occupation was. But, in today's times adds Gurakuqi terms used in the story should have diplomatic nuances. However, if "invasion" or "cohabitation", historians agree when they say that this term can not change just because it requires policy, since the debate should take place only at the scientific level.