1 Qershori, festa e fëmijëve - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-23 6

Dita e femijeve, 1 Qershori njihet e tille ne disa vende te botes, ku pjese e festes dhe aktiviteteve per ta eshte edhe Shqipëria. Tradicionalisht 1 Qershori eshte organizuar ne te tille menyre per t'i argetuar femijet me kercim, kenge, lojera me animatore apo vjersha. Kjo eshte arsyeja pse dy nga qendrat tregtare ne vend, "Kristal Center" dhe "ETC" kane zgjedhur dy mënyra te ndryshme per te festuar me femijet. E para nje konkurs talentesh dhe e dyte nje panair librash per vogëlushet. Ne fakt, festa do te vijoje ne te dyja qendrat përgjatë fundjavës. Nga ana tjeter organizatoret kane menduar ne kete dite edhe per fëmijët ne nevoje.

Children's Day, June 1 is known so in some countries of the world, where part of the holiday activities and it is also Albania. 1 June is traditionally organized in such a way to entertain children with dance, songs, games and rhymes with animator. This is why two shopping centers in the country, "Crystal Center" and "ETC" have chosen two different ways to celebrate with the children. First a talent contest and the second a book fair for kids. In fact, the celebrations will continue at both centers throughout the weekend. On the other hand, the organizers have thought in this day and for children in need.