Premiera e "Ëndrra e një nate vere" - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-23 6

Pas audicioneve te gjata dhe provave ndryshe, regjisori amerikan Xhon Blondell debutoi mbremjen e te premtes ne skenen e Teatrit Kombetar. Premiera e "Endrra e nje nate vere" pjesa e famshme e Shekspirit, e sjelle ne nje koncept ndryshe nga tradicionalja duket se u pelqye nga publiku i nates se pare. Duke rrezikuar me modernen, sic e quante Blondell, shfaqja solli levizje, fantazi dhe plot elemente komike. Me nje kast prej 13 aktoresh, regjisori amerikan, i cili ne CV-në e tij mban 25 venie skenike shekspiriane, kishte zgjedhur per kostumet nje tjeter artist te huaj, puna e te cilit rezultoi gjithashtu nje pike e forte e shfaqes. Por, per kedo qe deshiron ta shohe vepren ne Teatrin Kombetar, duket se mundesia do te jete e paket, pasi drejtuesit shpjegojnë se shfaqja do te ngjitet ne skene edhe mbremjen e kesaj te shtune, per te bere nje pauze, e per t'u rikthyer vetem me nisjen e sezonit te ri.

After lengthy auditions and other evidence, the American director John Blondell debuted Friday night on the stage of the National Theatre. The premiere of "Summer Night's Dream" Shakespeare's famous, and bring to a traditional concept unlike that pleased the audience the first night. Risking the modern, as called Blondell, led display moving, full of fantasy and comic elements. With a cast of 13 actors, American film director, who in his CV holds 25 infliction Shakespearean stage, costumes had chosen another foreign artist, whose work also resulted in a strong point of showmen. But, for anyone who wants to see the criminal in the National Theatre, the opportunity will appear to be scarce, as executives explain that the show will also go up on stage this Saturday evening, to make a break, and to be restore only the start of a new season.