Berisha në Lushnje: Rama vetëm mohon - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-23 0

Nga Lushnja, ku ishte per inaugurimin e segmentit rrugor qe lidh qytetin me tre fshatra, kryeministri Berisha ftoi liderin e opozitës Edi Rama te vije ne këtë zone dhe te shohë, sipas tij, transformimin e bere ne vitet e qeverisjes se djathte. Berisha akuzoj Ramen se kërkon te marre pushtetin duke u mbështetur ne moton "Akuzo, moho, trillo". Pasi ka bere nje panorame te investimeve te qeverise se tij, Berisha premtoi se do te ndërtoje projektin me modern te vaditjes, i cili do te nise ne shtator nga Lushnja. Aksi Lushnje- Hysgjokaj-Rrase Vashaj ka kushtuar 1.1 miliarde leke.

From Selfoss, where the inauguration was on the road that connects the city with three villages, Berisha invited opposition leader Edi Rama to come to this area and apparently, according to him, the transformation is done in years-right government. Rama accused Berisha that wants to take power by relying on the slogan "charges, deny, Trillo." Having made ??an investment overview of his government, Berisha promised to build modern irrigation project, which will begin in September from Selfoss. Lushnje-Hysgjokaj-axis thrust Vashaj has paid 1.1 billion.