Solistet shqiptare të Athinës në TKOB - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-23 1

Nese njeri prej tyre iu rikthye skenës kombetare te operës 3 vite me pare, tjetri ka plot 16 vjet pa shkelur ne teatrin qe e formoi. Eshte fjala per dy shqiptaret e njohur te operes kombetare te Athines, balerinët Altin Koruti dhe Danilo Zeka. Ky i fundit, mban statusin e solistit te pare ne Athine dhe premiera e baletit "Endrra e nje nate vere" e beri qe te vije ne Tirane bashke me kolegun Koruti i cili interpretoi 3 vite me pare ne skenen e kryeqytetit baletin "Zorba". Ne rolin e Elfit dhe te Princit, balerinët jane ne fakt vetem dy nga mbi 100 interpretues qe do te kete premiera absolute e baletit qe bazohen ne vepren e famshme te Shekspirit. Nen koreografinë e Arjan Sukniqit, performance e përmasave te medha ngre siparin e shfaqjeve ne 8 qershor.

If one of them returned to the national opera scene 3 years ago, has another 16 years without violating the theater was formed. It comes to two Albanians known to the Athens National Opera, ballet dancers and Danilo Zeka Altin Koruti. The latter holds the status of the first soloist in Athens and ballet premieres of "Dream of a Summer Night" did you come to Tirana together with colleague Koruti who performed three years ago at the scene of the capital ballet "Zorba". In the role of Elfie and Prince, dancers are actually only two of over 100 performers who will have the absolute premiere ballet was based on Shakespeare's famous work. Under Sukniqi Arjan choreography, performance of large scale raises the onset of performances in June 8....

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