Sali Berisha me kandidatët në Elbasan - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-23 7

Partia Demokratike ka vijuar turin e saj per te prezantuar kandidatet per deputet. Ndalesa e radhes ishte qarku i Elbasanit, ku kryeministri çeli zyrtarisht fushaten ne kete zone. Duke folur per investimet publike, Berisha u ndal tek tuneli i Krrabes duke hedhur akuza ndaj eksponteve socialiste, te cilet sipa tij ishin skeptik per kete veper.

Me tej duke premtuar vende te reja pune, kryeministri i eshte rikthyer serisht premtimit, se do te heqe vizat me Shtetet e Bashkuara te Amerikes.

Ne krye te listes se demokrateve ne kete qark eshte Ministri aktual i Mbrojtjes, Arben Imami. Pjese e ketij ekipi eshte edhe ish themeluesi i PD-se, Eduard Islami.

Democratic Party continued its tour to present candidates for deputy. The next stop was the district of Manchester, where Prime Minister officially opened the campaign in the area. Speaking of public investment, Berisha spoke to the tunnel Krraba throwing accusations against eksponteve socialist, who were skeptical about his SIPA this work.

In addition, promising new jobs, Prime is back again promise, that would remove visa to the United States of America.

At the top Democrats in the circuit that is current Defense Minister Arben Imami. Part of this team is the former founder of the Democratic Party, Edward Islam.