Kompania amerikane "Sky Petroleum" do ti paguaje qeverise shqiptare një shume prej 400 mije eurosh, për shkak se ne konfliktin mes tyre, arbitrazhi ndërkombëtar ne Vjene, i ka dhëne te drejte palës shqiptare. Kompania "Sky Petroleum", kishte lidhur një kontrate me ekzekutivin shqiptar, qe ne vitin 2009, per kërkim nafte ne vendin tone. Por një vit pas lidhjes se kontratës, ajo nuk kishte depozituar garancinë financiare, qe arrinte ne 1 milion $. Ky fakt beri qe agjencia e burimeve natyrore ti heqë licencën kompanisë, dhe kjo e fundit reagoi duke e çuar çështjen ne arbitrazh. Por mos derdhja e garancisë ishte nje nga shkeljet e kompanisë. Sipas te dhënave ajo nuk kishte kryer as investimet minimale, duke bere te dyshimte prezencën e saj ne Shqipëri. Pagesa prej 400 mije eurosh është kostoja e gjyqit, ne procesin e arbitrazhit, qe tashme kompania akuzuese duhet ti paguaje palës se paditur, por fituese qe është qeveria shqiptare. Ky është rasti i pare i heqjes se licencës se një kompanie nafte e kështu, i fitores ne arbitrazh kundrejt nje firme te huaj. Duke qene se Shqipëria njihet si vendburim nafte, shume kompani interesohen te vijnë ne vendin tone, pasi ne këtë mënyrë edhe pse nuk investojnë, i japin me shume vlere ne bursa, kapitalit te tyre.
The American company "Sky Petroleum" Albanian government will pay an amount of 400 thousand euros, due to the conflict between them, international arbitration in Vienna, has given the Government's right. The company "Sky Petroleum", inked a contract with Albanian executive, who in 2009, looking for oil in our country. But a year after the conclusion of the contract, it had not submitted financial guarantees, which amounted to $ 1 million. This fact prompted the agency to revoke the license of natural resources company, and the latter responded by bringing the matter to arbitration. But do not shed the guarantee was a violation of the company. According to the data it had not even completed the minimum investments, making her suspicious presence in Albania. Payment of 400 thousand euros is the cost of the trial, the arbitration process, now accusing the company must pay the suing party, but that is winning the Albanian government. This is the first case of removing an oil company license so, the victory in arbitration against a foreign firm. Being recognized as a source of oil Albania, many companies are interested to come to our country, as we so well why not invest, the more value we give scholarships to their capital.