Kapshticë, serish natë e renduar për emigrantët - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-23 2

Me tepër se 3500 emigrante shqiptare e kane kaluar naten ne piken e kalimit kufitar te Kapshticës ne pritje per t'u kthyer ne vendin fqinj ku jetojnë e punojne. Përveç faktit qe pala greke punoi me nje sportel, pavarësisht fluksit te madh, nje defekt ne sistemin kompjuterik qe pezulloi kalimet per disa ore rendoi me shume gjendjen. Ne mesnate vargu i mjeteve arrinte ne 3.5 km. pasagjeret, ku binte ne sy nje numër i madh grash e fëmijësh, kane qëndruar per mese 10 ore ne makina, pa pasur as vende ku te kryenin nevojat personale. Pavarësisht situatës se krijuar, ne dispozicion te emigranteve nuk u vendos as nje ambulance qe t'u siguronte shërbim mjekësor. Autoritetet greke kane vendosur te shtojnë edhe nje sportel, duke e çuar ne dy numrin e tyre, vetëm ne mëngjes. Dy ditët e fundit kane kaluar nëpërmjet kësaj dogane mbi 10 mije persona.

With more than 3,500 Albanian immigrants have spent the night at the border crossing point Kapestica waiting to return to the place where they live and work nearby. Besides the fact that the Greek worked with a wicket, despite the huge influx, a fault in the computer system was suspended for several hours crossing more aggravated the situation. Range of tools at midnight we reached 3.5 km. passengers, with an impressive number of women and children, have stood for nearly 10 hours in cars without having to carry or places where personal needs. Despite the situation created, available to immigrants not set or an ambulance to provide medical service. Greek authorities have decided to add one more wicket, bringing us two of their number, only in the morning. The last two days have passed through the customs over 10 thousand people.

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