Bujar Sula, 64-vjeçar nga Korça, gjithe jeten ia ka kushtuar punimit te baltës. Me nje familje me tradite ne poçeri, Sula nga fshati Bratvice, ka mesuar t'i jape forme baltes qe kur ishte femije. Pas viteve '90 aftesine si artizan e ka shnderruar ne menyre fitimi. Ai ka ngritur nje punishte ku punon me te shoqen. Bashkëshortët kane ekspozuar punimet, ne panairin e poçerisë ne prag te festes se pashkëve ortodokse. Besimtaret blejne nje punim nisur nga besimi i tyre se njeriu eshte krijuar nga balta, por edhe ne kujtim te njerëzve te afërt qe kane humbur, apo per mbarësi. Ne panair ku nuk mungojnë edhe objektet prej bronzi apo druri, kane ekspozuar punimet dhjetëra artizane korçare.
Bujar Sula, 64-year-old from Korca, has dedicated his whole life to paper clay. With a family tradition of pottery, village Bratvice Sula, has learned to give form to mud when he was a child. After 90 years as a craftsman's skill has become so profit. He has set up a workshop where he works with his wife. Spouses have exhibited works, the pottery fair on the eve of the Orthodox Easter holiday. Believers buy a paper based on their belief that man was created from clay, but also in memory of the people who have lost close, or to prosper. We fair where there exist objects of bronze or wood, have exposed tens artisan works Korca.