Teatri i të rinjve, përgjysmohet fondi - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-23 0

Edhe pse nje projekt qe zhvillohet prej 7 vitesh, Teatri te rinjve do te tkurret ndjeshem kete vit. Teatri Kombëtar konfirmon se ministria e Kulturës e ka reduktuar fondin ne 2.8 milion leke nga mbi 5 qe ai ka qene ne fillimet e tij. Megjithatë sipas drejtorit Kristaq Skrami, shfaqjet do te zhvillohen duke shpallur pese projekte fituese. Kete vit, ndryshe nga heret e tjera, regjisoreve dhe dramaturgeve te rinj iu eshte kerkuar te prezantojnë pjese te cilat nuk mund te vihen vetem ne skenën e teatrit, por edhe ne rruge duke futur per here te pare ate qe njihet ndryshe si "Teatri i rruges". 21 Maji do te jete data e fundit e pranimit te projekteve, pas te ciles do te shpallen edhe fituesit. Edhe pse regjisoret e rinj prezantohen kryesisht me dramaturgji botërore, pjeset shqiptare mbeten nder prioritetet e përzgjedhjes.

Although a project that takes place from 7 years, youth theater will shrink considerably this year. National Theatre confirms that the Ministry of Culture of the fund has reduced by over 2.8 million lek 5 that he was in its infancy. However, according to the director Kristaq Skrami, performances will be held by announcing five winning projects. This year, unlike other early, young directors and playwrights were asked to present parts which can not be made only in theater but also in the streets by introducing for the first time what is known as the "Theatre road ". May 21 will be the last date of acceptance of the project, after which the winners will be announced. Although young directors presented primarily with global drama, Albanian parts remain among the priorities of selection.