Humb bastin, vret kushëririn - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-23 7

Sherri për një bast dyshohet te jete shkaku kryesor i vrasjes se një te riu me thike ne fshatin Borizanë te Krujës. Viktima është 19-vjeçari Florian Kadiu, ndërsa i dyshuari si autor është kushëriri i tij i dyte nga i njëjti fshat Burdim Xaka. Sipas policisë debatet mes te rinjve kane nisur ne lokalin e fshatit ku po shihnin ndeshjen për ligen e kampioneve, ndërsa gjithçka ka përfunduar jashtë kur Kadiu është goditur disa here me thike. Edhe pse është dërguar ne spital, i riu nuk ka mundur te mbijetoje. Ndërsa Xaka Është shpallur ne kërkim. Mësohet se dy familjet pavarësisht lidhjes se kishin, nuk flisnin qe prej dy vjetësh për shkak te një konflikti mes tyre. Ndërkohë nje i moshuar ka plagosur me arme një 50-vjeçar ne sheshin Isa Boletini te Shkodrës. Mark Prroni 76 vjeç ka qëlluar disa here me pistolete shtetasin Gjergj Bungu. Ky i fundit është dërguar ne spital me plage te renda. Policia ka arrestuar autorin e ngjarjes dhe po heton për zbardhjen e shkaqeve te konfliktit mes tyre.

Contention for a bet suspected to be the main cause of the murder of a young man with a knife in the village of Kruja Borizanë. The victim is 19-year-old Florian Qadi, while the suspect as the author is his second cousin from the same village Burdim Xaka. According to police debates between young people have started to shop in the village where I saw for the Champions League match, but everything has finished outside the Qadi was hit several times with a knife. Although it is sent to the hospital, the young man could not survive. While looking Xaka is declared. It is learned that the two families that had connection despite not speak for two years due to a conflict between them. Meanwhile an elderly man with gun wounded a 50-year-old in the squarer of the city of Shkodra. Mark Prroni 76 years has hit several times with pistol citizen George Bungu. The latter was sent to the hospital with severe injuries. Police have arrested the scene and are investigating to uncover the causes of conflict between them.

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