Tentativa per te nxjerre jashte banoret e 13 familjeve nga shtepite e ish-pronareve, ka perfunduar ne perplasje te dhunshme fizike mes policise private qe shoqeronte punonjesit e permbarimit dhe vete banoreve. Sipas banoreve, ai qe pretendon te jete pronari i nderteses, ka falsifikuar dokumentet. E gjithe perleshja ne hyrjen e pallatit trekatesh ne rrugen "Margarita Tutulani" perballe gjimnazit "Petro Nini Luarasi", ka nisur teksa zyrtaret e permbarimit kane hyre ne godine per t'i nxjerre me dhune banoret, por aty kane hasur ne kundershtine e ketyre te fundit. Brenda pak minutave situata ka precipituar ne perplasje fizike, deri ne momentin qe njeri prej policeve private ka qelluar ne ajer me armen e sherbimit, e me pas eshte shoqeruar ne polici. Menjehere ne vendngjarje kane mberritur edhe deputete te partise Socialiste, si dhe policia e shtetit. Deputeti Sajmir Tahiri dhe Pirro Lutaj kane kerkuar te hyjne ne ambientet ku aktualisht jane te ngujuar familjaret, mes te cileve edhe femije, por nuk jane lejuar nga zv/drejtori i policise se Tiranes, Erzen Breçani. Per rreth 15 minuta deputeti Tahiri ka debatuar shume ashper me efektin e larte te policise, duke kaluar edhe ne fyerje personale nga ana e te dy paleve. Pas konfliktit me policine, dy banore jane derguar ne spital.
An attempt to draw out people's houses 13 families from the former owners, has ended in a violent clash between police escort of private bailiff workers and residents themselves. According to residents, it was claimed to be the owner of the building, has forged documents. The Clash entire three-storey palace entrance on the road "Margarita Tutulani" opposite school "Petro Nini LUARASI", as officials started bailiff entered the building to be issued to residents of violence, but there have encountered the opposite of those of last. Within a few minutes the situation has precipitated in the physical clash, until one of us has private policemen fired into the air with the service weapon, and then was escorted to the police. Immediately at the scene have arrived Socialist party deputies and state police. MP Sajmir Tahiri and Pirro Lutaj have asked to enter the premises are currently stuck where family, among whom the children, but were not allowed by the Deputy / Director of Police of Tirana, Erzeni Breçani. For about 15 minutes MP Tahiri too harshly debated the effect of senior police, even in passing personal insult by both parties. After conflict with the police, two residents were taken to hospital.