Maminas, zjarr në depozitat e naftës - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-23 1

Nje zjarr me permasa te medha ka perfshire depozitat e naftes ne Maminas te Durresit. Flaket kane rene rreth ores 11:00 ne nje nga tete depozitat e medha te ish SMT-së prane fshatit Sallone.
Zjarri eshte perhapur me shpejtesi duke vene ne rrezik edhe dhjetera banesa vetem disa metra larg tubacioneve dhe depozitave te naftes. Mesohet se kane qene banoret e zones ata qe pane shpërthimin e madh ne depozitat e naftes. Pasi njoftimit prej tyre, dhjetera zjarrfikës nga Durrësi dhe Tirana, forca te shumta policie dhe 3 ambulanca jane nisur drejt Maminasit. Menjëherë jane evakuar banoret e zones ndersa beteja me flaket vazhdoi per rreth tre ore me radhe. Rreth ores 15:00 zjarri eshte lokalizuar dhe me pas eshte shuar plotësisht. Nuk raportohen banore te lënduar apo banesa te demtuara nga flaket te cilat ishin vetem 50 metra larg tyre, ndërkohë qe policia ka nisur hetimet per te zbuluar shkakun e rënies se zjarrit te madh.

A fire has involved large size of oil deposits in Maminas Durres. Flames fell around 11:00 in one of eight major deposits former village near SMT Salons.
The fire has spread rapidly putting in danger the apartment only a few tens of meters from pipelines and oil deposits. It was learned that residents of the area were those who saw the explosion of the largest oil deposits. Once notice of them, dozens of firefighters from Durres and Tirana, multiple police forces and three ambulances were heading toward Maminas. Soon residents of the area were evacuated while the flames continued to battle about three hours time. Around 15:00 the fire was localized and then is completely erased. Residents reported not hurt or damaged by the flames flats which were only 50 meters away from them, while the police have launched an investigation to discover the cause of the collapse of the great fire.