Banoret e periferise se Shkodres te rikthyer ne banesa pas terheqjes se ujit, po perballen me nje realitet te trishtueshëm. Familja Ndreu prej shtate anetaresh ka gjetur te demtuar thuajse gjithçka brenda shtepise ne lagjen "Livade".
Kryefamiljari Viktori thote se gjendja ekonomike eshte renduar aq shume, sa familja e tij eshte ne kufijte e mbijetesës. Si te mos mjaftonin demet ne banese, bashkëshortja e Viktorit ka perfunduar ne spital pas problemeve te shkaktuara nga lagështira dhe i ftohti muajin e kaluar. Shtepia e familjes Ndreu eshte permbytur disa here ne vitet e fundit, por banoret thone se nuk jane perfshire ne listat e dëmshpërblimeve. Ne te njejten situate jane edhe dhjetera familje te tjera ne lagjen periferike. Përmirësimi i motit ka reduktuar ndjeshem siperfaqen e permbytur ne Shkoder. Sipas Shtabit te Emergjencave, aktualisht llogaritet se ne Livade jane nen uje rreth 20 hektarë ndersa ne gjithe rrethin mbi 1100 hektare toke.
Residents of the periphery of Shkodra returned to the apartment after the withdrawal of water, are facing a sad reality. Andrew family of seven members found damaged almost everything inside the house in the neighborhood "livade".
Victoria says head of household economic situation is aggravated as much as his family is at the limits of survival. How to do enough damage in the apartment, the wife of Victor was completed in the hospital after the problems caused by moisture and cold last month. Andrew's family home is flooded several times in recent years, but residents say they are not included in the lists of damages. In the same situation are also dozens of other families in the suburb. The weather has improved significantly reduce surface flooding in Shkodra. According to the Emergency Headquarters, currently estimated at livade are about 20 acres under water all round while in 1100 hectares of land.