Vjen në TKOB "Tanhojzer" e Vagnerit - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-23 2

Ajo eshte nder operat me te njohura jo vetem per fuqine e saj, por edhe per faktin, se emri qe e ka krijuar eshte gjeniu i muzikes lirike.
Eshte fjala per gjermanin Ricard Vagner, kompozitorin kaq te polemizuar per shkak se muzika e tij ishte e preferuar per Adolf Hitlerit. "Tanhojzer" vjen per here te pare ne nje skene shqiptare e bashke me te edhe kjo pjesa e Vagnerit, kurre me pare i interpretuar i plote ne Shqipëri. Kjo eshte arsyeja pse teatri i operës dhe baletit, ka nisur qe kete pranvere punen per vepren madhore e cila ne fakt do ta kete premierën ne vjeshte. Bashkëprodhimi shqiptaro-amerikan ka sjelle ne Tirane edhe nje prej dirigjenteve ne ze sic eshte Xhonatan Kuhner. Mjeshtri koncertues, i cili punon per skenat prestigjioze si San Frasisko Opera apo Metropolitan Opera tregon se ka mësuar shqip enkas per kete sipërmarrje. "Tanhojzer" do te kete nje kast te gjere këngëtaresh lirike shqiptare e te huaj per shkak te skenave masive. Opera me tre akte e pati premisën e saj te pare ne vitin 1845 ne qytetin e Dresdenit.

It is among the most popular operas not only for its power, but also for the fact that the name that has created music is lyrical genius.
It is the German word for Richard Wagner, the composer of the argument that because his music was preferred for Adolf Hitler. "Tanhojzer" comes for the first time in a scene together with Albanian and this part of Wagner, the first ever full interpreted in Albania. This is the reason why the opera and ballet theater, which this spring began work on major criminal who actually will premiere this autumn. Albanian-American co-production has brought in Tirana and one of the conductors such as Jonathan KUHNERT voice. Concert master, who works for San Frasisko prestigious stages as Opera or the Metropolitan Opera shows Albanian learned especially for this venture. "Tanhojzer" will have a wider caste lyric singers Albanian foreign because of massive scenes. Opera in three acts and had its first premise in 1845 in the city of Dresden.

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