Protesta e ish të përndjekurve - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-23 0

Te lidhur me pranga e zinxhirë ne nje shtylle metalike para selisë se parlamentit, disa ish te përndjekur politike kane protestuar
per te disaten here ne përpjekje per te perfituar dëmshpërblimin financiar, qe u takon per vitet e burgut gjate diktaturës. Ish-te përndjekurit zgjodhën te protestonin ne kete forme ne momentin kur deputetet po hynin ne parlament, por policia ne fillim tentoi t'i largonte ata. Madje me vone ka ndërhyrë duke i larguar e duke i shoqëruar ne komisariat. Vonesa e marrjes se kësteve te dëmshpërblimit financiar ka nxjerre ne protesta te vazhdueshme ish te burgosurit politike. Madje gjate vjeshtës se kaluar ata zhvilluan edhe një greve te gjate urie, e cila u mbyll fatkeqësisht me vdekjen e Lirak Bejkos.

Handcuffed and chained to a metal pole in front of the parliament, some former political refugee protested
to disaten here we attempt to obtain financial compensation, which belongs to the prison during the dictatorship years. Former persecuted chose to protest in this way when we were entering deputies in parliament, but the police first tried to remove them. Even later intervened by removing the associated station. Delay in obtaining financial compensation installments has brought continuous protests former political prisoners. Even during last autumn that they have developed a long hunger strike, which ended sadly with the death of Lirak Bejkos.