Devoll, lirohet zetoristi i tragjedisë - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-23 2

Drejtuesi i zetorit te tragjedisë ne Devoll, Gezim Zyfi ka lene qelinë, pasi gjykata e Korçes ka vendosur per te, masen arrest shtepie.
Gjate kohes qe trupi gjykues shqyrtonte çështjen, para gjykates protestuan per lirimin e tij dhjetëra banore te fshatit Dobranj. Keta te fundit përsëriten thirrjen per rindertimin sa me shpejt te ures, qe u shkatërrua pas vershimit te lumit Devoll. Edhe pas vdekjes se dy grave qe u zune poshte nga rimorkioja e zetorit ndersa shkonin ne nje ceremoni mortore, ne Dobranj vazhdon e njejta situate. Banoret duhet te kalojne lumin me te njejtin automjet per ne anen tjeter ku kane tokat. Banoret tregojne se ura e drurit eshte shembur disa here, por eshte ndertuar nga komuna miras, e cila se fundmi nuk ofron as kete zgjidhje. Kreu i komunes tha se ngritja e nje ure te qendrueshme teli kap koston e 50 milion lekeve, qe nuk mund te sigurohen nga njesia vendore. Deri diten e tragjedise edhe femijet kalonin me zetor e ekskavator per te shkuar ne shkolle, duke rrezikuar jeten. Me pas u vendos qe nxenesit e 9-vjeçares ta zhvillojne mesimin ne godinen e shkollës fillore, ndersa gjimnazistet te udhetojne drejt Bilishtit.

Head of the tragedy in Devolli tractor, Gezim Zyfi has left cell, after the court has decided to Korca, mass house arrest.
During the time that the panel consider the case, the court protested for his release tens Dobranj village residents. The latter repeated call for the reconstruction of the bridge as soon as possible, which was destroyed after Devolli flow of the river. Even after the death of two women who were taken down from the tractor trailer while going to a funeral ceremony, we Dobranj still the same situation. Residents must cross the river with the same vehicle to the other side where they land. Residents show that the wooden bridge is collapsed several times, but was built by the municipality favorably, which finally does not offer this solution. The Mayor said that the establishment of a sustainable bridge wire catches lekeve cost of 50 million, which can not be provided by the local unit. Until the day of the tragedy of children crossing the excavator tractors to go to school, life threatening. Then it was decided that the 9-year-old students to teach in the building of primary school, while high school students to travel to Bilishti.