BDI, fitore edhe në balotazh - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-23 2

Partitë ne koalicionin qeveritar ne Maqedoni kane kryesuar edhe ne këtë raund te dyte te zgjedhjeve lokale ne Maqedoni.
Bashkimi Demokratik per Integrim ka fituar ne shtate nga nente komunat me shumice shqiptare ne balotazh. Subjekti qe drejtohet nga Ali Ahmeti ka marre Tetovën me kandidaten Teuta Arifi e cila fitoi 55.5% te votave perballe Sadi Bexhetit te PDSH-së. Fitore e rendesishme e BDI-së ka qene edhe ajo ne komunën e Gostivarit me kandidatin Nevzat Bejta, i cili ka marre 50.5% te votave përballë kandidatit Rufi Osmani i RDK-së. Ndersa partia demokratike shqiptare ka marre fale ndihmës se BDI-së komunen e Strugës, me kandidat Zijadin Selen. Komuna e dyte e fituar nga PDSH-ja e Menduh Thaçit është ajo e Studenicanit. Nderkohe ne komunat me shumice maqedonase, VMRO-DPMNE ka fituar 16 te tilla ndersa LSDM-ja e Cervenkovskit ka marre vetëm tre. Gjate balotazhit, jane shënuar disa incidente te veçuara, te cilat nuk kane ndikuar ne rezultatet e ketij procesi. Suksesin e shenuar ne pjesen me te madhe te komunave nga Bashkimi Demokratik per Integrim, ish-ministri i Jashtem Luan Hajdaraga i ftuar ne emisionin ZIP, e ka cilesuar si fitore te faktorit politik shqiptar. Rezultatet zyrtare te balotazhit ne Maqedoni pritet te publikohen gjate pasdites.

Parties in the ruling coalition in Macedonia have also led to the second round of local elections in Macedonia.
Democratic Union for Integration won in seven of the nine municipalities with majority Albanian runoff. The subject was led by Ali Ahmeti has taken Tetovo with Teuta Arifi candidate who won 55.5% of votes Sad Bexheti front of the DPA. Important victory of DUI she was also in the municipality of Gostivar Nevzat Bejta candidate, who received 50.5% of the vote versus Osmani candidate of the DRC. While the Albanian Democratic Party that has received assistance thanks DUI municipality of Struga, with Selenium Ziyad candidate. Municipality second win of DPA Menduh Thaci is Studenicani. While the majority of municipalities in Macedonia, VMRO-DPMNE won 16 such while SDSM Crvenkovski received only three. During the runoff, have been some isolated incidents, which have no impact on the results of this process. Success in most of the municipalities of the Democratic Union for Integration, former foreign minister invited Lion Hajdaraga ZIP program, has named as the Albanian political victory. The official results of the runoff in Macedonia is expected to be published during the afternoon.