Partia Demokratike po shkon ne zgjedhjet e 23 qershorit si shumice dërrmuese e shqiptareve. Deklarata eshte bere nga kryeministri Berisha gjate ceremonisë se inaugurimit te rrugës Shijak-Gjepalaj.
Sipas shefit te qeverise shqiptare ne 4 vitet e ardhshme te mandatit, do te bëhen hapa përpara ne anëtarësimin e vendit ne Bashkimin Europian. Berisha ka premtuar se ne mandatin e ardhshëm do te përfundojë infrastruktura me moderne për zonat rurale te vendit, si dhe do te shumëfishohet prodhimi ne këto zona.
The Democratic Party is heading in the June 23 elections as the overwhelming majority of the Albanians. The statement was made by Prime Minister Berisha during the inauguration ceremony of the road Shijak-Gjepalaj.
According to the head of the Albanian government in the next 4 years of the mandate, will be steps forward in the country's membership in the European Union. Berisha has promised that in the next term will be completed with modern infrastructure for rural areas of the country, and will multiply production in these areas.