Visar Zhiti në krye të Kulturës - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-23 5

Trashëgimia kulturore, por edhe kujtesa e te shkuarës se dhimbshme komuniste, duket se do te jene prioritetet e ministrit te ri te Kulturës, shkrimtarit Visar Zhiti.
Ne diten e tij te pare te punës nga kjo zyre, duke folur per Vizion Plus, Zhiti tregon arsyen, pse pranoi te jete ne krye te këtij dikasteri, edhe pse behet fjale per pak muaj, deri ne fund te mandatit. I pyetur nëse pranimi i postit eshte nje ambicie e tij per t'ju rikthyer politikes aktive, duke qene se ne vitin 1996 Zhiti ka qene deputet i PD-së, ministri i ri shprehet se asnjëherë nuk ka qene i pa angazhuar. Shkrimtari tashme ministër, numeron ne fakt dhjetëra libra te botuar me poezi. Romani i tij u fundit, i publikuar nje vit me pare ishte nje rrëfim biografik mbi vitet e burgut, por kur e pyet se sa kohe, do te kete tashme per krijimtarinë, ministri i ri e ka një përgjigje: "Do ta ndaj si gjithmonë kohen".

Cultural heritage, but also the memory of that painful communist past, it seems that will be the priorities of the new Minister of Culture, writer Visar Zhiti.
On his first day of work from the office, talking about Vision Plus, Zhiti shows why, though acknowledged to be at the head of this department, even if it comes to a few months, until the end of the term. Asked whether the acceptance of the post is one of his ambitions to restore active policy, given that in 1996 Zhiti was a member of the Democratic Party, the new minister said that has never been engaged. Present writer counts minister in fact dozens of published books of poetry. His last novel, published a year ago was a biographical story about years of prison, but when asked how long, will be present for the creativity, the new minister has an answer: "I would to like always time. "