Berisha e Topalli për LSI-në - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-23 0

Ndersa hidhen hapat konkrete per te zyrtarizuar bashkimin e LSI-së me PS-në kane nisur dhe reagimet e para te mazhorances. Kreu i qeverise nuk ka pritur takimet zyrtare por e ka dhene qëndrimin e tij qe ne mëngjes ne rrjetin social facebook:
"Nje debat i gjere ka shpërthyer lidhur me njoftimet se LSI do te vendose te lere qeverinë. Qëndrimi im ka qene dhe mbetet i pandryshuar se çdo force politike bën zgjedhjen qe dëshiron". Duke iu referuar dhe komenteve per vakumin qe do te lere ne qeverie, largimi i LSI-së kryeministri Berisha shprehet: "Kushtetuta e vendit ka te gjitha përcaktimet e qarta per zgjidhje plotësisht kushtetuese te çdo problemi institucional." Kreu i qeverise premton respektim te kësaj fryme kushtetuese si dhe angazhiminper zgjedhje te lira. Ndërsa ne reagimin e saj nga Shkodra kryetarja e Kuvendit Jozefina Topalli ruan te njëjtën linje. Ajo shprehet se partia demokratike respekton vendimin e LSI, por kushtetuta i mundëson nje qeverisje te sigurte.

While cast concrete steps to formalize the merger of LSI with SP have launched and the first reactions of the majority. The head of government is not waiting for official meetings but has given his stance on social network morning facebook:
"A broad debate has broken out about reports that LSI will decide to leave the government. My position has been and remains unchanged that any political force makes the selection you want. "Referring to and comments on the vacuum that would leave government, LSI departure of Prime Minister Sali Berisha said: "The constitution of the country has the all clear determinations for constitutional fully solution to any institutional problem." Head of government promises to respect this constitutional spirit and angazhiminper free elections. While in its response from Shkodra Topalli Assembly Speaker retains the same line. She says it respects the democratic party LSI decision, but the constitution enables governance sure.

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