Shtohen grabitjet te Liqeni artificial - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-23 4

Krimi i rrugës po rritet ne përmasa te frikshme e tashme jo me ne orët e mbrëmjes dhe as neper rrugica larg syrit te policisë.
Nje nder zonat me te preferuara e te mbipopulluara te Tiranës, liqeni Artificial eshte kthyer ne shënjestrën e radhes te grabitësve. Te pakten 5 denoncime jane bere ditet e fundit per agresion fizik, ndërkohë qe mijëra kryeqytetas ndihen te pasigurt teksa kalojnë disa ore pushimi apo aktiviteti sportiv ne kete park publik. Sipas raportimeve ne polici, grupe personazh kane nisur te vjedhin me dhune sende personale te qytetareve, madje duke përdorur ndonjëherë edhe arme. Policia duket se nuk eshte ne gjendje t'i parandaloje keto krime, madje jane shënuar dhe raste kur keto krime jane mbajtur edhe te fshehta nga autoritetet. Ndërkohë, prane parkut te liqenit kane nisur te lulëzojnë edhe çadrat e romeve endacake te cilet njihen edhe si kontingjente te mundshme per grabitje. Frika dhe pasiguria po shoqëron kryeqytetasit, veçanërisht këmbësoret qe po shmangin daljen ne oret e vona dhe mbajtjen e sendeve me vlere. Vetëm pak kohe me pare nje grua humbi jeten ne afërsi te fushës se aviacionit, pasi u tentua t'i grabitej varësja qe kishte ne qafe.

Street crime is increasing in size scary not already in the evening or through the streets from eye to police.
One of the favorite areas crowded Tirana Artificial Lake has become the next target of robbers. At least 5 denunciations have been made in recent days physical aggression, while the thousands of capital city feel unsafe as they spend a few hours or holiday sports activities in this public park. According to the police reports, character sets have started to steal personal items by force of citizens, sometimes even using weapons. Police seems he is not able to prevent these crimes are recorded and even times when these crimes are kept secret even from the authorities. Meanwhile, the park near the lake have begun to thrive even stray Roma tents which are also known as contingent possible for robbery. Fear and uncertainty are associated capital city, especially pedestrians avoid the emergence in the late hours and keeping valuable items. Just a little while ago, a woman died in the vicinity of the field of aviation, having attempted to robbed pendant on his neck.