Vajza denoncon babain për incest - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-23 3

Një vajze nga fshati Levan i Fierit ka denoncuar te atin për abuzim seksual me te. Babai 58-vjeçar, Adem Geci, është vene ne prangat e policisë.
Vajza aktualisht 16 vjeçe, ndodhet prej disa muajsh ne Tropojë, tek njerëzit e nenës se saj, e cila nuk jeton me. Sipas vajzës, i ati ka abuzuar me te qe kur ajo ishte 13 vjeçe. Fqinjët e familjes shprehin habi pas nje denoncimi te tille, qe dyshojnë se ka lidhje me hakmarrjen e vajzës, ndaj te atit qe nuk pranoi te dashurin e saj. Familja nga Tropoja prej shtate anëtaresh jeton prej 10 vjetësh ne Levan. Mësohet se nena e vajzës ishte vetëvrare, ne kohen kur ajo jetonte ne Tropojë, pas depresionit për shkak te gjendjes se vështirë ekonomike.

A girl from the village of Levan Fier has denounced his father for sexual abuse. 58-year-old father, Adam Geci, is put in handcuffs by the police.
The girl is currently 16 years old, is several months in Tropoje, to her mother's people, who do not live with. According to the girl, the father has abused when she was 13 years old. Family neighbors expressed surprise after such a denunciation, you suspect it is related to revenge the girl, the father who refused her boyfriend. Tropoja family of seven members living 10 years in Levan. Learned that the girl's mother had committed suicide, at a time when she lived in Tropoje, after depression due to the difficult economic situation.