Te veçanta, te çuditshme dhe provokuese! Keshtu jane veprat e rreth 36 studenteve te atelierit te Multimedias ne Universitetin e Arteve, te cilat ata i kane prezantuar jo vetem per efekt shkollor, por edhe per kenaqesine e atyre qe e vleresojne artin bashkohor.
Nen kurimin e kater petagogeve, njeri prej te cileve Vladimir Myrtezai, ekspozita mban gjithashtu nje titull intrigues, "Hapesira dhe koha me a pa kornize". 36 studentet kane eksperimentuar ne gjini te ndryshme. Video, instalacion, fotografi dhe performanca si kjo e ketij grupi studentesh, te cilet permes veshjes se kominosheve te punes shperndanin pije, kane qene pjese e ekspozites, e cila do te vijoje te qendroje e hapur ne galerine e Universitetit te Arteve.
Special, strange and provocative! So are the works of about 36 students atelierit Multimedia at the University of Arts, which they have introduced not only for the educational effect, but also for the pleasure of those who appreciate contemporary art.
Under the treatment of four professor, one of which Vladimir Myrtezai exhibition also has an intriguing title, "Space and time with a free frame". 36 students have experimented in different genres. Video, installation, photography and performance like that of this group of students, who through dress that work overalls distribute beverages, have been part of the exhibition, which will continue to stay open in the gallery of the University of Arts.