Numerimi i votave ne zgjedhjet parlamentare ne nje prej qarqeve me te medha te vendit, ne Fier do te perfundoje brenda 24 oreve.
Keshtu eshte parashikuar ne planin per zbatimin e numerimit elektronik te miratuar me unanimitet nga Komisioni Qendror i Zgjedhjeve. Ky plan paraqet 54 faza qe duhet te kalohen per te finalizuar kete proces. KQZ ka parashikuar qe ne 13 prill te zhvillohet testi i pare i teknologjise, ne 8 qershor do te behet testimi i pergjithshem i sistemit dhe ne datat 23-24 qershor do te realizohet numerimi elektronik. KQZ ka miratuar me unanimitet edhe zgjedhjen e nje auditi te specializuar qe do te mbikeqyre procesin e numerimit elektronik.
Count of votes in parliamentary elections in one of the larger counties in the country, in Fier will be completed within 24 hours.
Thus envisaged in the plan for the implementation of electronic counting unanimously adopted by the Central Election Commission. This plan presents 54 stages that must be passed to finalize this process. CEC has predicted that in the April 13 conducted the first test of technology, on June 8 will be testing of the overall system and on 23-24 June will be implemented electronic counting. CEC has unanimously approved the election of a specialized audit that will oversee electronic counting process.