Kujtohet Aleko Prodani - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-23 1

Me batuten e nipit te Aleko Prodanit, "Ju thashe, ishte shaka", qe mban dhe emrin e vete aktorit te madh ka nisur premiera homazh per te.
Ish-koleget kane zgjedhur kete menyre per ta perkujtuar tete vjet pas ndarjes nga jeta, aktorin qe shpesh bente shaka madje dhe me vdekjen. Zamira Kita qe ndodhej me te ne skene kur Prodani pesoi nje goditje ne zemer, tregon se per nje moment ka menduar se eshte shakaja e radhes. Shfaqja homazh eshte vene ne skene nga aktore te njohur, përfshirë edhe djalin e te ndjerit, Albano Prodani.

With batuten nephew Aleko Prodani, "You told it was a joke", bears and name him the greatest actor has launched premiere homage to.
Former colleagues have chosen this way to commemorate eight years after the death, the actor who often make jokes even death. Zamira Kita who was with him in the scene when Prodani suffered a heart attack, shows that for a moment thought that was the joke the next. Show homage is staged by famous actors, including the son of the late, Albano Prodani.