Kuvendi, shitja e aksioneve të HEC-it - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-23 1

Pas dështimit te disa privatizimeve strategjike ne vend ne muajt e fundit, opozita ka ngritur shqetësimin ne Kuvend per mungesën e transparencës ne transferimin e aksioneve nga kompania koncensionare austriake "AVN", tek kompania norvegjeze "Statkraft", per ndërtimin e hidrocentralit te devollit.
Sipas Erion Braçes: "Nuk na rezulton qe afatet jane respektuar. Ju thate parate jane ne institucion, po ku? Pse nuk na e tregoni çfare vlere ka transaksioni? Duam te dimë, keto letra ku po hedhim firmën, ke do te bejne te pasur?" Por ministri i Ekonomise, Edmond Haxhinasto, tha se transferimi i aksioneve eshte ne kushte normale, ndersa kompania e re eshte me kapitale qe ofron besim per palën shqiptare, pjese e marrëveshjes, qe eshte ministria e Ekonomise. "Punimet janë brenda afateve. Jane realizuar sipas axhendes. Vlera e transaksionit mbetet konfidenciale, nuk mund te tregohet..." Sipas marrëveshjes, kompania koncensionare duhet te ndërtojë brenda 72 muajsh hidrocentralin e Devollit, ndersa vlera e investimit është rreth 1 miliard euro.

After the failure of several strategic privatizations in the country in recent months, the opposition has raised concerns in Parliament about the lack of transparency in the transfer of the shares of Austrian concession company "AVN" to the company Norwegian "Statkraft" for construction of hydropower Devoll.
By Erion braces: "It turns us that deadlines are respected. You said money is in an institution, but where? Why not tell us what transaction value? We want to know, these letters are taking firm, you will make you rich? "But Economy Minister Edmond Haxhinasto, said the transfer of shares is in normal conditions, while the new company is providing confidence for the Albanian capital , part of the agreement, which is the ministry of Economy. "The works are within limits. Were carried out according to the agenda. Value of the transaction remain confidential, it can be shown ... "According to the agreement, the concession company must build within 72 months Devoll hydropower, while the value of the investment is about 1 billion euros.