Rruga Fier-Vlore mbushet me mbetje spitalore - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-23 3

Shiringa, serume e mbetje te tjera spitalore kane pushtuar segmente te rruges se vjeter Fier-Vlore. Mbeturinat e rrezikshme qe duhen asgjesuar e
djegur, jane hedhur edhe ne kodrat me ullinj shekullore duke vene ne rrezik fermeret. Drejtues te agjencisë se Mjedisit ne Vlorë japin alarmin se pas reshjeve te shiut, ekziston mundësia e përcjelljes se lendeve helmuese dhe kontaminimit te puseve te ujit qe përdoren nga banoret e zonës përreth. Por drejtues te spitalit rajonal te Vlorës dhe atij psikiatrik mohojnë te kene lidhje me ndotjen e shkaktuar. Pas denoncimit te agjencisë rajonale te Mjedisit, kane nisur hetimet por deri tani nuk jane identifikuar subjektet apo individët qe kane hedhur mbetjet spitalore.

Syringes, serums and other hospital waste have occupied the old road segments Fier-Vlore. Hazardous waste to be disposed of
burning, are also cast in the hills with olive century jeopardizing farmers. Environment agency executives in the South give the alarm that after heavy rain, there is the possibility of tracking and toxic contamination of water wells used by residents of the surrounding area. But leaders of the regional hospital of Vlora and the psychiatric deny have about the pollution caused. After denouncing the regional environmental agency, have launched an investigation but so far not been identified entities or individuals who have dumped medical waste.

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