Kuvendi, debat për borxhet e KESH-it - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-23 0

Opozita ka rikthyer sot ne parlament debatin per situaten energjetike ne vend dhe sigurinë ne kaskadat kryesore te vendit. Deputeti socialist Erion Braçe u ndal tek borxhi i KESH, qe vjen jo vetem si pasoje e keqmenaxhimit, sipas tij, te te vetmit ent publik te mbetur ne Shqipëri, por edhe per shkak te impaktit negativ te kompanisë se shpërndarjes se energjisë, CEZ. Por ministri i Tregtisë dhe Energjetikes, Haxhinasto, ndonese pranoi se situata aktuale eshte problematike sqaroi se tashme KESH ka nisur shlyerjen e borxheve. Por debati mori edhe ngjyrime politike pas ndërhyrjes se kryetares se kuvendit Topalli.

The opposition has returned to parliament for debate today in the country's energy situation and security in the country's main cascades. Socialist MP Erion Brace stopped to KESH debt, which comes not only as a result of mismanagement, according to him, the only public body to remain in Albania, but also due to the negative impact of the energy distribution company CEZ. But the Minister of Trade and Energy, Haxhinasto, although it acknowledged that the current situation is problematic clarified that APC has already started repaying debts. But the debate also took political overtones after intervention Speaker Topalli.