Mbahen zgjedhjet lokale në Maqedoni - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-23 1

Maqedonia mban sot zgjedhjet lokale te radhes. Qendrat e votimit jane hapur ne oren 7:00 mengjesit, pa asnje problem ne gjithe vendin, konfirmoi komisioni shteteror zgjedhor. Perballjet me te forta ne komunitetin shqiptar pritet te jene ne Tetove, Gostivar, Kercove, Struge dhe komunen e Çairit ne Shkup.
Ndersa kandidati i Rilindjes Demokratike Kombetare, Izet Beqiri, aktualisht deputet i kesaj force, ka deklaruar gjate fushatës se do te jape dorëheqjen nga mandati i deputetit, nese nuk siguron te pakten 5 mije vota ne Tetove. Mesohet se ne Kercove, per te përmbysur avantazhin prej gati 4 mije votash te maqedonasve ne zgjedhjet e fundit, mijera shqiptare qe banojne jashte Maqedonise, kane ardhur me avione çarter. Gostivari eshte nje tjeter përballje interesante, mes Rufi Osmanit te RDK dhe kandidatit te BDI Nevzat Bejta. Ne Struge, e cila sipas te gjitha gjasave do te shkoje ne nje raund te dyte pas 14 ditesh, pritet te kete nje përballje mes kandidatit më me shume vota te shqiptareve dhe atij maqedonas. Qendrat e votimit mbyllen ne oren 19:00 te mbremjes. Rezultatet paraprake pritet te dalin rreth 21:00, ndersa ne mesnatën e se henes shpallet rezultati i pare zyrtar paraprak nga KSHZ. Afati i fundit per te shpallur rezultatin final eshte e merkura. Ndersa raudi i dyte i balotazhit, mbahet ne 7 prill.

Macedonia holds the next local elections today. Polling stations are open at 7:00 the morning, without any problem throughout the country, confirmed the State Election Commission. Facings with strong Albanian community are expected to be in Tetovo, Gostivar, Kicevo Struga municipality of Cair, Skopje.
As the candidate of the National Democratic Renaissance, Izet Beqiri, currently a member of the force, said during the campaign that he would resign from the deputy mandate, unless it provides at least 5 thousand votes in Tetovo. Learned that in Kicevo, to overthrow the advantage of almost 4 thousand votes of Macedonians in the last elections, thousands of Albanians who live outside Macedonia, came by chartered aircraft. Gostivar is another interesting showdown between Rufi Osmani DRC and DUI candidate Nevzat Bejta. Struga, which in all probability will go to a second round after 14 days, is expected to be a showdown between the candidate with the most votes of the Albanians and Macedonians. Polling stations close at 19:00 in the evening. Preliminary results are expected to come out around 21:00, while at midnight on the moon first official result announced in advance by the SEC. The deadline to declare final score is Wednesday. While raudi second runoff, held on April 7.