Shkodër, përmbytje brenda shtëpive - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-23 8

Remzi Myrtja, eshte nje prej banoreve te lagjes "Tophane" ne Shkoder, shtepia e te cilit është gdhire e përmbytur nga uji. Niveli ka arritur ne 30 cm duke dëmtuar orenditë. Kryefamiljari tregon se kjo është e gjashta here qe banesa e tij mbulohet nga uji. Rasti me i rende ishte ai i dhjetorit te 2010, per te cilin nuk ka marre asnjë dëmshpërblim. Dalja nga shtrati e liqenit te Shkodrës pas shkarkimeve ne hidrocentralin e Vaut te Dejes, ka zgjeruar hartën e përmbytjeve ne qytetin verior. Tashme nen uje rezultojnë dhjetëra banesa ne lagjen "Tophane" dhe "Livade", ndersa te tjera qindra te tjera jane te izoluara. Përmbytjes nuk i ka shpëtuar as xhamia e plumbit ne lagjen "Ajasem". Uji ka arritur mbi 70 cm brenda objektit te kultit, çka ka sjelle reagimin e myftiut. Xhamia e plumbit eshte përmbytur te paktën 4 here gjate dy viteve te fundit. Probleme raportohen edhe ne komunën e Dajcit. Rruga kryesore qe e lidh zonën me qytetin e Shkodrës është e pakalueshme nga mjetet e vogla. Ne fshatrat Obot dhe Shirq rreth 700 banesa janë te rrethuara nga uji.

Remzi Myrta, is one of the residents of the neighborhood "Tophane" in Shkoder, whose house is dawn flooded by water. Level has reached 30 cm, damaged furniture. Head indicates that this is the sixth time that his apartment is covered by water. The most serious case was that of December 2010, which has not received any compensation. Output from the bed of Lake Skadar after discharge hydropower Vau Dejes, expanded map of flooding in the northern city. Already under water resulting dozens of houses in the neighborhood "Tophane" and "Livade", while other hundreds of others are isolated. Flood has not escaped either lead mosque in the neighborhood "Ajasem". Water has reached over 70 cm within the scope of the cult, which has led to the reaction of the mufti. Mosque of lead is submerged at least 4 times during the last two years. Also reported problems in the municipality of Dajci. Main road connecting the area with the city of Shkodra is impassable by small tools. Obot villages and Shirq about 700 flats are surrounded by water.