Rrëfehet gruaja e Përrenjasit - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-23 2

Valbona Paci, vajza nga fshati Fushe Alie i Dibres, e martuar prej dy vjetesh me Ardian Përrenjasin, rrefen per jeten e kaluar prane njeriut qe akuzohet abuzime seksuale me nje te mitur dhe qe dyshohet per vrasjen e Julian Celes.
E tronditur nga ajo çfare ka ndodhur, 24-vjeçarja tregon se bashkëshorti i saj nuk ka shfaqur asnjëherë shenja se ishte i dhunshëm. 24-vjeçarja rrefen se i vizitonte vetem fqinja e tyre, njëherësh shkesa, Adelina, e cila e linte djalin e saj 12-vjeçar shume here me te, gjate kohes qe ishte ne pune. Ndërsa lidhur me zhdukjen e 11-vjeçarit Julian Çela, ajo thote se ka qene edhe asokohe ne Diber dhe ngjarjen e ka mësuar nga mediat. Ndryshe nga deklaratat e familjareve te te akuzuarit se e kishin perzene prej vitesh nga shtëpia, bashkëshortja e Përrenjasit thote te kundërtën, madje tregon se ka kaluar disa dite me familjen e tij. Por Valbona sot kërkon qe ish-bashkëshorti te marre dënim maksimal. Edhe i ati i Valbonës, Besnik Paci, nuk e fsheh habinë se si nuk ka mundur te kuptoje sjelljet e dhëndëri te tij, qe per te, duhet te dënohet me vdekje.

Valbona Paci, by Alie Polje village girls Debar, married for two years by Ardian Prrenjas, tells about life at last the man who is accused of sexual abuse with a minor and who is suspected of killing Julian Key.
The shocked by what has happened, the 24-year-old tells her husband never showed signs that he was violent. 24-year-old tells you only visit their neighbor, both matchmakers, Adelina, who left her 12-year-old son many times, while he was at work. While connected to the disappearance of 11-year-old Julian Cela, she says that it was then in Debar and has learned from the media event. Unlike the statements of the family members of the accused that he was kicked off for years from home, Prrenjas wife says to the contrary, shows even spent a few days with his family. But Valbona today requires that ex-spouse to receive the maximum sentence. Valbona father, Loyal Paci, does not hide his surprise that could not understand the behavior of his groom, who should be punished with death.