Fyle viziton Beogradin - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-23 0

Dy dite perpara raundit te radhes te bisedimeve Prishtine-Beograd nen ndermjetesimin e zonjes Ashton, eurokomisioneri per Zgjerim Shtefan Fyle nis nje mini-tur ne keto dy vende. Fyle viziton fillimisht Beogradin, per takime me zyrtaret me te larte te shtetit, fillimisht me presidentin Nikolic, dhe me pas me kryeministrin Dacic. Sipas mediave eurokomisioneri Dyle do t'i rikujtoje Beogradit se marrja e nje date per anetaresim ne BE varet drejtpërdrejt nga marrëdhëniet me shtetin fqinj te Kosovës. Vizita e Fyles pason ate te zonjes Ashton, e cila sipas mediave i ka dorezuar Dacicit nje draft me dhjete pika ne te cilin propozon krijimin e nje rajoni evropian i cili nuk ka kompetenca shtese pertej atyre te institucioneve te Kosovës. Ne kembim te krijimit te ketij rajoni serb brenda territorit te republikës se Kosovës, Brukseli zyrtar kerkon voten e qeverise serbe ne institucionet ndërkombëtare. Nderkohe ne Prishtine, ministri i Puneve te Jashtme, Enver Hoxhaj, ka mohuar ekzistencën e nje drafti te tille. Pas qëndrimit ne Beograd, Fyle do te vizitoje edhe Kosovën.

Two days before the next round of Pristina-Belgrade talks under the mediation of Mrs Ashton, eurokomisioneri for Enlargement Stefan Fule embarking on a mini-tour in these two countries. Fyle first visit Belgrade for meetings with top officials of the state, first with President Nikolic, and then with Prime Minister Dacic. According to media eurokomisioneri Dyle will be reminded Belgrade that getting a date for EU membership depends directly on the relations with the neighboring state of Kosovo. Fule visit follows that of Mrs Ashton, who according to media has submitted Dacic a draft with ten points in which proposes the creation of a European region which has no additional powers beyond those of the institutions of Kosovo. In exchange for the creation of this Serbian region within the territory of the Republic of Kosovo, the Serbian government official Brussels seeks vote in international institutions. While in Pristina, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Enver Hoxha, has denied the existence of such a draft. After staying in Belgrade, Füle will visit Kosovo.