Rama feston në Elbasan Ditën e Verës - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-23 0

Simbolin e dites se veres, veroren, lideri i opozites Edi Rama e ka vene serisht ne qytetin e tradites se kesaj feste ne Elbasan.
Ai vizitoi panairin e organizuar me kete rast. Shiu, qe duket se ua prishi pak festimet vendasve te cilet sipas ritit drekojnë ne natyre, per kreun e PS qe po udhëheq opozitën ne betejen elektorale te 23 qershorit, eshte ogur i mire. Lideri i PS premtoi gjithashtu nje permiresim te klimes se biznesit, permes skemes se uljes se taksave per 95 % te popullsise. Por nga ana tjetër kryetarja e Kuvendit Topalli dhe ministri i Ekonomisë Haxhinasto po nga Elbasani, e vune theksin tek reformat dhe arritjet ne biznes. Çka dëshmohet, sipas tyre, edhe me kthimin e emigranteve dhe hapjen e njësive tregtare prej tyre. Ne vijim kryeparalmentarja theksoi se autostrada e re Tirane-Elbasan do te zhvilloje edhe me shume biznesin ne këtë zone.

Symbol of summer day, veroren, opposition leader Edi Rama has put back into town this holiday tradition in Elbasan.
He visited the fair organized on the occasion. Rain, which seems to them broke a few locals who according lunch ritual celebrations in kind for SP leader who is leading the opposition in the June 23 election battle, it is a good omen. SP leader also promised an improvement in the business climate, through tax reduction scheme for 95% of the population. But on the other hand, Parliament Speaker Topalli and Economy Minister Haxhinasto is from Elbasan, emphasized the reforms and achievements in business. Which proves, according to them, even with the return of emigrants and the opening of their commercial units. Following kryeparalmentarja stressed that the new highway Tirana-Elbasan will develop even more business in this area.