Moti i keq, probleme në vend - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-23 0

Dita e Verës ka ardhur me stuhi, duke shkaktuar mjaft probleme ne mbare vendin. Aksi rrugor Kelcyre-Permet u bllokua per disa ore si pasoje e rrëshqitjeve te dherave. Per te njejten arsye nje shtepi ne lagjen mbi spitalin e Vlorës eshte shembur.
Fatmiresisht banoret nuk jane lënduar por familja prej kater personash ne kushte te vështira e ekonomike, ka mbetur pa asnje mundësi strehimi. Si pasoje e eres se forte është pezulluar puna ne disa sektore ne portet e Durrësit dhe Vlorës. Trageti i pasagjereve qe duhej te vinte ne Vlorë nuk eshte nisur nga Italia. Ndërsa ne Durrës, tragetet kane mberritur me disa ore vonese per shkak te dallgëve qe shkonin ne 7 balle. Peshkarexhat nuk jane lejuar te dalin ne det derisa te përmirësohet moti.

Summer Day has come by storm, causing many problems throughout the country. Kelcyre axis Permet was blocked for several hours as a result of sliding soil. For the same reason a house in the district hospital of Vlora has collapsed.
Fortunately, people are not injured but the family of four persons in difficult economic conditions, remained without housing opportunities. As a result of the strong wind is suspended in some sectors in the ports of Durres and Vlora. Ferry passengers who had come to the South is not launched from Italy. While we Durres ferry arrived several hours late due to go to 7-face waves. Trawlers are not allowed to go to sea until the weather improved.

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