Prokuroria rekurs për Gërdecin - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-23 5

Prokuroria nuk terhiqet nga çeshtja Gerdeci. Pas vendimit te dhene ne 13 shkurt nga gjykata e Apelit, organi i akuzes ka bere rekurs ne gjykaten e Larte, ne afatin limit qe ishte data e sotme. Burime zyrtare nga prokuroria e Pergjithshme bejne te ditur se, materiali rreth 180 faqe eshte dorezuar ne sekretarine e gjykates se shkalles se pare, e cila me pas ia percjell gjykates se Larte. Prokuroria kerkon ne rekursin e saj hedhjen poshte te te gjitha denimeve te dhena nga gjykata e apelit, si dhe pranimin e kerkesave te saj. Por rekurs ne gjykaten e Larte kane bere edhe 15 te pandehurit qe kane marre denime me burg ne apel. Avokatet mbrojtes kane konfirmuar kete fakt edhe per te akuzuarit kryesore te shperthimit tragjik ne Gerdec: Ylli Pinari, Mihal Delijorgji dhe Dritan Minxolli. Avokatet kane sqaruar se ndonese iu binden vendimit te apelit per denime me burg, ata e kundershtojne verdiktin dhe do te kerkojne pafajesi ne gjykaten e Larte. Rekursi i organit te akuzes behet ne kohen kur pas dy ditesh mbushen plot 5 vjet nga shperthimi i Gerdecit, i cili i mori jeten 26 personave e plagosi qindra te tjere.

Prosecution withdraws from issue Gërdec. After the decision given on February 13 by the Court of Appeal, the prosecution has made an appeal to the Supreme Court, in the time limit that was today's date. Official sources from the prosecutor general to know that about 180 pages material is delivered to the secretary of the Court of First Instance, which then forwards the High Court. Prosecution seeks in its recourse throw out all the penalties provided by the Court of Appeal, and the acceptance of its demands. But recourse to the Supreme Court have made ??the 15 defendants who have received prison sentences on appeal. Defense lawyers have confirmed this fact to the main accused in the tragic outbreak Gerdec: Pinari Michael Delijorgji and Dritan Minxolli. Lawyers have explained that although they obey the decision of the appeal for prison sentences, they oppose and will seek acquittal verdict in the High Court. Recourse the prosecution made ??at a time when two days are full 5 years Gerdec blast, which killed 26 persons and injured hundreds of others.

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