Ura e Bunes vidhet për skrap - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-23 8

Ura e Bunës ne Shkodër është nje tjeter objekt i rendesishem qe bie preh e grabitësve te skrapit, pas linjës hekurudhore Shkodër-Hani i Hotit.
Ne gjithe gjatesine e saj, hajdutet kane çmontuar pjese, ose i kane prere me sharre aty ku nuk ka qene e mundur zhvidhosja. Objekti 124-vjeçar i ndërtuar gjate pushtimit turk, deri para nje viti funksiononte edhe per kalimin e mjeteve, por me ndërtimin e urës se re ajo mbeti vetëm per kalimtaret. Studiues dhe specialiste te zones thonë se objekti ka rendësi e vlera historike, ndaj duhet patjetër ndërhyrje per te penguar rrëzimin e urës. Por pavarësisht këtyre demtimeve e vjedhjes si diten ashtu edhe naten, policia e Shkodrës mësohet se nuk ka nisur ndonje hetim. Zyrtare te saj bëjnë me dije se nuk ka pasur denoncim konkret për grabitjen.

Buna Bridge in Shkoder is another important object falls rested robbers after railway scrap Shkoder-Hani i Hoti.
Throughout its length, thieves have dismantled parts, or have been cut with the saw where it was not possible zhvidhosja. 124-year-old facility was built during the Turkish invasion, until a year worked for the passage of vehicles, but the construction of the new bridge that was only for pedestrians. Scholars and area specialists say the facility has historical significance, and should definitely intervention to prevent the collapse of the bridge. But despite these injuries theft both day and night, Shkodra police learned that has not launched any investigation. Its officials suggest that there has been no concrete denunciation robbery.