Qendrat joshin me lule - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-23 1

Një shprehje thotë se te gjitha femrat janë te bukura, por ja qe për tu ndjere te tilla, shpesh kemi nevoje për specialistet e duhur! Ndaj jo me kot, ketë 8 Mars, qendra tregtare Kristal Center ka gjetur nje mënyre për ti uruar te gjitha femrat, vajzat, gratë apo nenat.
Krehje dhe manikyr falas ne bashkëpunim me "Ardi Borova Academy", ka përfshire te trija katet e Kristal Center ne nje event qe nisi nga oret e para te mengjesit e vijon deri ne mbremje. E ndërsa ne Kristal dhurohej me shume bukuri per femrat, rast ky qe shume prej tyre nuk e kane humbur,. tek Europian Trade Center, dhuroheshin lule, simbol i cdo feste, por natyrisht marrin tjeter simbolike per kete date. Surprizave te Kristal Center dhe qendres tregtare Galeria, iu është bashkuar ne event edhe fushata e bashkise se Tiranes "Dhuro nje lule për Jeten".

An expression says that all women are beautiful, but it was to be felt such, often we need to appropriate specialists! Therefore, not surprisingly, have 8 March, shopping centers Kristal Center has found a way to wish them all the women, girls, women and mothers.
Combing and free manicure in cooperation with the "Ardi Borova Academy", including three floors of the Crystal Center in an event that began from the early hours of the morning and continues until evening. While we Kristal dhurohej more beauty for women, the case that many of them have lost. European Trade Center, dhuroheshin flower, symbol of every holiday, but of course take another symbolic for this date. Kristal surprises Center and Gallery trade center, was joined in the event the City Hall campaign "Give a flower to be."