Edi Rama, konference online - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-23 3

Kryetari i partise Socialiste ka nisur prej ores 12:30 nje konference shtypi online.
Qe ne fillim, Rama ka deklaruar se partia Socialiste, kur te vije ne pushtet, do te ule taksen per faturat e energjise, ndersa thekson se do te ndeshkohet kushdo qe vjedh energjine. Gjithashtu, Rama ka deklaruar se shteti do te bleje sherbimin shendetesor qe ta ofroje ate per te gjithe. Ndersa akuzon qeverine aktuale, se ka zhytur ne mjerim veriun e vendit, Rama premton rritje te punesimit ne kete zone.

President of the Socialist Party started from ores 12:30 an online press conference.
Since the beginning, Rama declared that the Socialist party, when it comes to power, will reduce tax on energy bills, and says it will be punished whoever steals energy. Rama also said that the state would purchase health services to offer it to everyone. While accuses the current government immersed in misery north of the country, Rama promises of employment growth in the area.

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