Përmbytje masive ne Maliq - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-23 4

Qindra hektarë toke janë përmbytur ne fushën e Maliqit pas shirave te rene ditët e fundit, ne juglindje te vendit. uji ka mbuluar sipërfaqe te tera ne fshatrat e komunave Pirg, Vreshtas dhe Libonik qe deri me tani llogariten deri ne 500 hektarë, te gjitha te mbjella me kultura te ndryshe bujqësore. Sipas banoreve, e gjithë kjo situate ka ardhur për shkak te mos funksionimit prej vitesh te kanaleve kulluese për te cilat nuk ka pasur asnjë investim. Një dite pas vërshimit te lumit Gjanica ne Fier, ekipi i emergjencave civile ka verifikuar demet e shkaktuara ne banesa e biznese. Sipas specialisteve. fatura financiare shkon ne rreth 170 milion leke, vlere e cila i është përcjellë qeverise. Mbi 100 familje dhe biznese u dëmtuan gjate dy ditëve te fundit nga vershimi i ujerave te lumit Gjanice, i cili doli nga shtrati.

Hundreds of hectares of land were flooded in Maliq field after rain fallen recently, in the southeast of the country. water covered the whole surface of the villages of the municipalities stack, Libonik Vreshtas and that so far accounted for up to 500 acres, all planted with different cultures farming. According to residents, all this situation has come about due to non-functioning drainage channels for years that there has been no investment. A days after flood Gjanica river in Fier, civil emergency team has verified the damage caused to houses and businesses. According to the experts. financial bill runs at about 170 million, the amount of which has been forwarded to the government. Over 100 families and businesses were damaged during the last two days from tidal waters Gjanicës River, who came up from the bed.