Fidel Ylli, heqja e mandatit - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-23 3

Këshilli i Mandateve, nisi sot procedurën per heqjen e mandatit parlamentar te deputetit socialist Fidel Ylli. Nisma mban firmën e 16 te zgjedhurve demokrate, te cilet pretendojnë, se kur kishte fituar mandatin, zoti Ylli kishte ne pronësi nje radio, gje qe kjo a palejueshme ligjërisht. Te merkuren tjeter ne mbledhje do te dëgjohet socialisti Fidel Ylli. Ai tha sot per Vizion Plus se do te jete prezent ne kete proces, por e gjitha kjo qe po ndodh është qesharake. E nese çeshtja perfundon ne gjykaten Kushtetuese, Fidel Ylli ka gati edhe kunder-argumentat: Parlamenti nuk ka marre asnje mase per disa nga te zgjedhurit demokrate, te cilet sipas tij jane ne shkelje te hapur te Kushtetutës. Ne tetor 2010, Gjykata kushtetuese vendosi te ndërpriste mandatin nje tjeter deputeti opozitar, Ilir Beqjes, duke konstatuar shkelje. Por çeshtja e Fidel Yllit merr nje tjeter ngarkese, pasi edhe nese ndodh, heqja e mandatit te tij, perkon me mbarimin e legjislaturës 4-vjeçare, me kohëzgjatjen e mandatit parlamentar, qe do te thote se nisma ne fjale mund te përdoret vetem per efekt elektoral.

Mandates Council, today launched the procedure for removal of the socialist deputy parliamentary mandate Fidel star. Initiative bears the signature of 16 elected Democrats, who claim that when he won the mandate, Mr. Star had owned a radio, which it a legally impermissible. On Wednesday, another meeting will be heard Fidel socialist star. He said today on Vizion Plus that will be present in this process, but all this is happening is ridiculous. And if the issue ends up in the Constitutional Court, Fidel star has almost counter-arguments: Parliament has not taken any measure for some elected Democrats, who according to him are in open violation of the Constitution. In October 2010, the Constitutional Court decided to terminate the mandate of another opposition MP, Ilir Beqjes violation. But the question of Fidel Star takes another load, because even if it happens, the removal of his mandate, coincides with the end of the 4-year-old legislation, ie the length of the parliamentary term, which means that the initiative in question can be used only for electoral effect.