Berisha i kthehet referendumit - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-23 0

Kryeministri Sali Berisha ka vendosur te zyrtarizoje nismen per zhvillimin e nje referendumi per miratimin e 3 ligjeve, qe sipas tij jane pengesa e vetme e vendit per marrjen e statusit kandidat.
Gjate mbledhjes se grupit parlamentar, ku Berisha deklaroi se lideri i opozites, nuk do te njohe rezultatin e zgjedhjeve te 23 qershorit dhe do te vazhdoje te bllokoje reformat, e duhura per integrimin, shefi i qeverise i meshoi idese se zgjidhja qëndron tek referendumi, duke udhëzuar kreun e komisionit te ligjeve Ilir Rusmali te beje gati draftin. Si zakonisht kryeministri Sali Berisha nuk ka lene mënjane edhe batutat per programin e PS, te shpallur kete fundjave.

Prime Minister Sali Berisha has decided to formalize the initiative for the development of a referendum on the adoption of the 3 laws, which according to him are the country's only obstacle for obtaining candidate status.
During the caucus meeting, where Berisha declared that the leader of the opposition, will not recognize the outcome of the June 23 elections and will continue to block reforms needed for the integration, the head of government stressed the idea that the solution lies in the referendum, instructed the head of the commission of the laws Ilir Rusmali concerns about the draft. As usual, Prime Minister Sali Berisha has not set aside for mot PS program, announced this weekend.