Cannon: Zgjedhjet, kyç për integrimin - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 2

Ne kulmin e debatit se kush e pengon integrimin e Shqipërisë ne BE, 3 ligjet qe duhen votuar me shumice te cilësuar, apo zgjedhjet e pakontestuara, diplomati anglez, ne tiranë, Nicholas Cannon deklaron, se nga standardet e procesit elektoral te 23 qershorit, do te varet rrugëtimi drejt BE-së.
Gjate nje tryeze per këndvështrimin e Britanisë mbi Bashkimin Europian, ambasadori Cannon ka paralajmëruar se ne rast se zgjedhjet do te perceptohen si te dyshimta, procesi i integrimit do te kthehet vite mbrapa. "Nese zgjedhjet ne qershor mbahen ne rrethanat me te mira kjo do t'i jape nje shtyse te re dhe pozitive procesit te pranimit te Shqipërisë anasjelltas zgjedhjet qe perceptohen nga shtetet anëtarë sit e dyshimta do ta kthejnë procesin prapa ne vite." Sipas ambasadorit 3 ligjet nuk kane nje domethënie te madhe për procesin e integrimit, ato shërbejnë thjesht si nje test qe klasa politike di te tejkaloje debatet e përditshme per hir te interesave madhore. "Keto janë portretizuar si qendrore per vazhdimin e procesit te pranimit te Shqipërisë, por është e qarte se ne termat e substancës ato nuk janë." Gjate seancës plenare maxhoranca i ka meshuar qendrimit se pengesa e vetme per marrjen e statusit jane miratimi i 3 ligjeve. Kryetarja e kuvendit, Jozefina Topalli, i ka bere thirrje deputeteve te opozites te votoje keto reforma ne menyre qe te zhbllokohet procesi i integrimit.

At the height of the debate over who hinder Albania's integration into the EU, 3 laws to be voted by qualified majority, or uncontested elections, British diplomat in Tirana, Nicholas Cannon declares, that by the standards of the electoral process June 23, willdepend journey towards the EU.
During a round for the British view on the European Union, Ambassador Cannon has warned that if the elections will be perceived as suspicious, the integration process will return years back. "If the elections in June are kept in the best of circumstances this will give a new impetus and positive accession process of Albania vice choices perceived by member states suspicious site will turn back in the process." According to Ambassador 3 laws do not have a great significance for the integration process, they serve merely as a test that the political class knows exceed daily debates for the sake of major interest. "These are portrayed as central to the continuation of the process of accession of Albania, but it is clear that in terms of the substance they are not." During the session the majority of advocating the position that the only obstacle for obtaining the status are the adoption of the 3 laws . Assembly Speaker Topalli, has urged opposition MPs to vote these reforms in order to unblock the process of integration.

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